Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday, Sept 10th

I decided to change up my running plan a little since I was in shock when my watch informed me that the first 5 minutes of running was over with. I felt like I could keep going for a while. I had started to walk but some how convinced myself that what makes me tired on the second half is the recovery time being too long. I ended up only walking for a minute and then picked up my running again. Because I was essentially cutting out 4 minutes of walk time, I decided to add an extra 5 minute interval into my running.

I plan to run my route backwards on Sunday doing the 5 minutes 1 minute. Depending on how I do, I may up my running to the 7 minutes 3 minute intervals. But I may change up recovery time since I feel more tired and have trouble starting up with long recoveries. Wow, am I complaining about recovery time? A lot has changed over the weeks of running.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

Today I changed up my intervals to 5 minute runs, 2 minute walks. I did 4 intervals, so a total of 28 minutes working out. I had plans to do 5 intervals, but as soon as I started into the 5th, my legs felt like rubber. I ended up quitting 15 seconds in. Maybe on Wed I can do 5 intervals.

My biggest challenge to over come today was the desire to stop running when I reached my 3 minute markers. I quickly became frustrated because I did not have a marker to aim for and ability to do "stride" countdowns to. I was into my 3rd interval when I realized that my laps are 1/2 mile long, and a long term goals of mine is to be able to do 10 minute miles. So my marker should be somewhere near my start running point. Hopefully this will help on Weds when I plan to do 5 intervals.

67 more days until the Run Forest Run 5K. I'll be there, will you?